Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How's My Attitude?

So here I am. You've read how I got to where I am. At least I hope you've read it. ;) And I am faced with a new chapter about to open. I anticipate getting engaged to Sandy soon, with a wedding in the spring. I anticipate moving to Arlington so we can drive less and see each other more often. And I intend to get involved more with her church (my church) in Burleson. Lots of transition. Lots of stress. But God is on His throne, He is just, and He is fair.

I've been listening and watching lots of Joyce Meyer lately. She's been convicting me of having negative attitudes, and I am working on building a more positive attitude. Her teaching on a responsible attitude really hit me, as I've been struggling at work to maintain a good attitude in the face of frustrations. I complain I don't have enough work. I complain that I have too much work. I complain that I have too much oversight. I complain that I don't have enough direction. See a theme? It seems everything I'm faced with leads me to complain. I know that no job is perfect. But God calls us to do good in the face of persecution and frustration. While I don't feel persecuted from without, I do sense some persecution from within.

I intend to rest well and be on time and accept all assignments joyfully. But I have a rough night, sleep in, and complain about the simplest of projects. Where's that enjoyment of life? Where's the contentment? Humility?

Pray for me as I seek to make some attitude changes. I've found myself looking down a lot. It's time to pull back on the stick and enjoy where God has me.

I am grateful for friends that have helped me process this in my life, and I'm grateful for Joyce Meyer and Christian tv stations. Together we can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

How's your attitude?


  1. Great to find your blog, Dave. Praying for your new dream to unfold before you with great joy and unexpected surprises.

  2. I am grateful to be engaged to such a wise and inwardly-searching man. :) And your growly attitude last night after the game was adorable. Grrrrrrr.
