Monday, July 27, 2009

What was I Thinking?

Welcome to my world. This blog is my effort to practice writing and maybe entertain, enlighten, and encourage people out there in cyberspace.
Perhaps I should back up and introduce myself. My name is Dave Parker, and for the past 14 years I have pursued a career as a missionary with a Bible translation ministry. For 7 years I have worked in West Africa and Dallas, TX, as a print shop manager and graphic designer/editor. And I never would have done these things without God's calling and equipping in my life.
It might also be helpful to know that I have a degree from Florida State University in Meteorology. My best explanation of that is that I was very stubborn in college, so much so that I got a degree in a field that would prove to be of little value to my longer-term efforts. I value my time at FSU, for coming to Christ and developing strong friendships that continue to today. But I will always wonder "what if", and I am annoyed at my closed-mindedness. So God took a meteorologist, gave him a passion for the ministry of Bible translation, and sent him to West Africa.

When my feet hit the ground in Africa in 2002, I had never printed a book. I had never operated the equipment that would soon consume my life and define me for 4 years. But I learned to run a Risograph and staple, fold, and trim booklets. I published Scripture and literacy materials in 10 languages. I was at the top of my game. But as happens in Africa, things fall apart.

I found myself one morning restricted to my apartment, as sounds of marching feet and shouting voices told me that the people had reached their limit with the government. They demanded change, and as a result I couldn't work as the streets became unsafe. A month later I was preparing to evacuate, never realizing that my feet wouldn't return to this hard, red ground.

But God used the civil unrest of an African nation to send me home and start another chapter. Now, two and a half years later, I find myself with new skills and abilities in the areas of design and printing, aiding my organization to look better in print and on the web. And God equipped me at every step to do it.

These articles will (I hope) share stories of the past and give you a window into my present. I will strive to stay away from predicting the future, as I know the futility of guessing what God will do next. Thank you for joining me in the journey.

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